My "face reveal". And also my channel mascot! Fedorakid!

About Fedorakid

"Why did you want to do video editing?"

Here I was, 8 years old and my dad bought the family computer. We had a work computer, but I wasn't allowed on that much. I watched my dad do videography and edit videos in Adobe and everything, so with an 8-year-old mindset, I looked up "video editor" in the Microsoft search thingy, there it was: Microsoft Photos, the easiest and most limited video editing software known to man. I loved it, mainly because we also had a webcam on the computer too. I would record myself doing dumb things with terrible acting, and then I would edit it.

Adding in explosions with the crazy 3D feature was amazing to me at the time! Oh boy, it had music presets too that synched your video clips with the music. I was obsessed with doing those videos anytime the computer was free. Then, when I got my hands on Paint 3D, which I surprisingly still use for a lot of my graphics. Oh boy, my videos were next level, with the coolest looking scribble artwork you've ever seen. And amazing Comic Sans designs no one could ever match to.

(In case you didn't know already, I'm being extremely sarcastic.) It was amazing for an 8-year-old to have this power, at least that's what it felt like. Being able to record stuff in the real world, drag and drop it onto a simple timeline anyone could use, and add text, music, and effects with the click of a button. Now let's fast-forward 2 years to 2020. Now I'm 10 years old, we've moved once, nearly 1,000 miles across the country too. And of course with moving, everything we ever owned was in $3 home depot boxes in the back of a semi-truck.

I didn't get back to video editing until about 3 months later. Which by then, the room the computer was in was quite small, and I was older, so the embarrassing webcam shenanigans were not continued. But there was hope I would reignite my spark, I found RPG Playground...


The Channel Creation

"What happened after you moved on?"

Well, I moved on to RPG Playground. I didn't really do any gaming videos on Microsoft Photos, until much later because of how hard it was. I found RPG Playground in October of 2021, and I can't tell you how much I loved it. And still do! The community, the layout, the ease of use, everything was incredible! For about a week, I worked so hard on a game series called "Help Those In Need", very cheesy, very cringe, but that's me at 10 years old for ya.

The first game of the series made it to the top 5 trending games on RPG Playground. And for my 10-year-old mind to comprehend that, I just made more, and more, and more games. Then, of course, I loved 3D open world games. Where you could build stuff, and hunt, and gather food, and you might be thinking: "You're just describing Minecraft". Well, I actually wasn't allowed to play that. And I'm actually really glad I wasn't. And I'll explain why just for a second: Everything happened for a reason. I loved Minecraft and Roblox. And I played it up until we moved, then my parents just didn't let me. So I would find other games like it. Creativerse was now my Minecraft. Pixel Strike 3D was my Call of Duty. And Brick Rigs. That was my Roblox. I would never be where I am now without my parents. And not just restricting me from certain games. 😂

They're incredible, supportive, and one of a kind. Mom's cooking is also the best. My mom totally didn't tell me to write that.

Anyway, RPG Playground was my obsession until one day, I realized when I looked on the News page of RPG Playground. People, really needed help learning the website and game engine. Something just clicked with me to learn it, but other people needed a little boost, some encouragement, a...tutorial. At the time, there were nearly no videos or YouTubers making tutorials or videos about RPG Playground, Slay Shay was, and she was doing great at that. But I also wanted to help, since I loved RPG Playground. So I asked my mom on December 29th of 2022 if I could create my channel. After years of her saying no, she said yes... She said yes!

Just a few rules: no facecam, and no voice...yet...

Now I started making videos about RPG Playground, and also Behind the Screens, since after we moved, the piano was in a convenient spot for me to learn. So...I started learning The Legend of Zelda songs and others, and recorded them with my $8 Canon camera from Goodwill onto an SD card. Edited them in Microsoft Photos, and boom! I had 3 views! I was deflated a little bit, of course being 11 years old now, I was disappointed about anything that didn't reach my expectations. But I was reminded that it takes time, and if you're a beginner YouTuber reading this, don't give up. Continue doing what you're doing, because that's the only thing you can do! Be yourself.

My games on RPG Playground were doing well, my following was growing slowly. And I actually loved doing this! I was also beginning to make friends online, which yes, are still my online friends today. They also really contributed a lot to helping me with my games and fixing them. And they also showed supported and liked and subscribed.

My first version of the Fedorakid YouTube channel logo. Made with Paint 3D and an online font generator...